The Institute of Power Engineering (IEn)
The Institute of Power Engineering (IEn) is one of the largest institutes in Poland and Central Europe providing research in the field of energy technologies. The Institute is a modern state owned research and development center.
The Institute covers a wide area of energy research from expert works for the power sector, to investigations of the most advanced technologies of energy generation, such as fuel cells, clean coal technologies and renewable energy sources. The advantage of the Institute is the experienced scientific, engineering and technical staff as well as numerous modern, sometimes unique laboratory facilities.
Institute research teams are involved in realization of numerous international research projects of 7th Framework Programme of the European Union, the Research Fund for Coal and Steel as well as Central Europe Programme.
The Institute also carries out a number of nationwide projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and provides implementation work for the industry. The Institute offers cooperation in the creation and implementation of new projects to develop energy technologies and high-quality expertise, technical testing and analysis for the energy sector.
The Institute is a member of the European Energy Research Alliance EERA.
Dr Hanna Bartoszewicz-Burczy, head of Energy Economic Section in IEn, has got wide professional experience on fields of energy, energy security and renewable energy sources (RES) in the area covering Poland and Central European Countries.
In energy security field she has participated in several European Union projects (in this OCTAVIO, Net Protection) aimed at increasing European and Polish energy infrastructure protection.
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