Ceris, Institute for Economic Research on Firms and Growth, is the main centre of CNR (National Research Council) which specialises in applied industrial and managerial economics. It can now boast considerable experience in economic research on company behaviour and industry structure as well as connections with issues of industrial policy. Its research staff has long standing relationships with Universities, Ministries, Governmental Institutions, Authorities and private research centres.
The main fields of the on-going research activity are:
- Firm strategy and industrial structure: studies on the impact of the institutional context (financial markets, corporate governance, Single Market Program) on companies' real and financial decisions;
- Studies on the industrial organisation within the European Union (especially on the hi-tech industries);
- Analysis of the local growth problems (industrial districts, clusters);
- Comparative survey of public policies in European countries (industrial, social, innovation, local growth policies), policy evaluation, regulation;
- Analysis of technological innovation and competitiveness. Studies on the production, use and diffusion of new products and services;
- Studies on the research system, the technological transfer and the related evaluation methods.
The Institute has a long experience in the study of utilities and regulated industries, in particular electricity, public transport, education and training services, water. In the field of electricity research project have concerned regulation, changes in the market due to the introduction of competition, the effect on the industry on firm behavior and on regulation of innovation (eg. Smart grids and security), efficiency.
Elena Ragazzi
Researcher in industrial economics. Essence project manager. She has a long experience in research in regulation of public utilities and structure of regulated industries, with particular reference to electricity. In this field she has acquired by the participation to multidisciplinary research project the ability to cope economic, social and technological problems in the analysis. Her main research fields concern: competition and market power in electricity supply, competitive challenges connected to new paradigms in the electricity field (smart grids, security, electric vehicles), public policy evaluation, with particular reference to training policies. In these areas she has been the project manager of many projects, with European, public or private funding.
Greta Falavigna
Ph.D. in Economics and Technology Management, is a researcher of the Institute for Economic Research on Firms and Growth (Ceris), Italian National Council of Research (CNR). Her main research areas include artificial intelligence applied to finance; evaluation of firms’ performance from economic and financial point of view; evaluation of public research; healthcare evaluation. She has previously published her works in various scholarly outlets such as International Journal of Business Performance Management, Expert Systems with Applications, European Journal of Operational Research, Public Organization Review, International Review of Economics, Health Care Management Science, Les Cahiers du Cedimes, as well as Economia e Politica Industriale (EPI)
Giuseppe Calabrese
He is senior researcher at Cnr-Ceris (Institute for Economic Research on Firms and Growth – Italian National Research Council) of Turin, which he joined in 1988. He is co–editor of the International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management. His main areas of research are focused on industrial organization, technological innovation and the car industry. Expert in the use of accountability data for economical analysis. He currently teaches business economics and organisation at University of Turin.
Alberto Stefanini
Born in Padua 1949, received a full honours degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Bologna, 1974. He holds a consultancy on industrial research. Until Nov. 2009 he was with the Joint Research Centre, Institute for the Protection & Security of the Citizen, where he was involved in studies on critical infrastructure protection, with specific focus on the power system. Previously he coordinated research on power system security and diffusion of R&D results at CESI in Milan. He has been very active with the European framework programme since the early seventies. His background includes marketing of engineering and software services in the energy sector, research in Artificial Intelligence, and design of telecommunication devices and micro systems. He is the author of about 40 scientific and technical publications and one book.
Ugo Finardi
Ph.D. at the Università di Torino in Materials Sciences and Technologies, with a thesis on technological transfer in Nanotechnologies. He Iis now researcher at CNR-Ceris, with a specialization in innovation studies. His main research areas are the connections between research and industrial innovation, and bibliometrics.