ENEL Ingegneria e Ricerca S.p.A. (ENEL IeR) is a part of ENEL Group, the principal electricity operator in Italy and one of Europe’s main listed utilities. It is an integrated player, active in the power and gas sectors. Enel today operates in 40 countries worldwide, has over 97,000 MW of net installed capacity and sells power and gas to around 61 million customers. ENEL IeR is a service division for the different companies of the group, managing the engineering processes related to the development and coordination of research activities. It assures the scouting, development and exploitation of the innovation opportunities for all the business areas of the group, especially those with the most environmental value.
ENEL IeR will participate in the project through its Research Technical Area unit, whose headquarter is located in Pisa. The Research Technical Area employs about 170 people and for more than 20 years has been active in the field of innovative generation systems, energy conversion, plant diagnostics and automation, generation systems from renewable sources, smart grids and energy efficiency. Research activities are supported by mathematic models and numerical simulation together with experimental tests carried on in Enel IeR experimental areas.
Dr. Daniela Pestonesi
Graduated in Electronic Engineering at Milano Politecnico in 1992.
She works in Enel Engineering and Research Division, Research department. She is currently responsible of Automation & Diagnostics in the “Generation Systems, Diagnostics and Automation” Unit and Project Manager of “Strategic Research” Enel projects on ICS Cybersecurity for Enel Group and coordinator of Cybersecurity lab activities.
Her experience in the Enel Group concerns mainly automation, ICT for industrial process, diagnostics, robotics and cybersecurity of Industrial Control Systems, with particular focus on operation and maintenance optimization and on cross items such as logic security and Safety.
She gained her professional experiences in Enel, collaborating with the New Plant Development Engineering Department as specialist for the automation, systems integration, HMI innovative solutions for the new Power Plants.
She was project leader of a research project for the development of a Diagnostics system for all the thermoelectric power plants main machinery.
She is ENEL’s WP leader and scientific contact person in European co-funded research projects: CRISALIS (2012-15) and ESSENCE (2012-14).
Dr. Luca Guidi
Graduated in Nuclear Engineering at the University of Pisa in 1979. In 1981 he joined the Research Department of Enel in Pisa. For more than ten years he was engaged in nuclear safety and radiation transport activities and further in severe accident analysis. In 1990 he became the responsible of Numeric Intensive Computing managing the supercomputing centre located in Pisa hosting a CRAY supercomputer. From 2000 up to 2011 he was responsible of the Diagnostics and Automation group of the Research Technical Area. In this framework his activity was devoted to topics like as advanced control room solutions, Fieldbus architecture and systems integration, development of advanced diagnostic systems and predictive maintenance applications, SCADA Cybersecurity and Smart Grids.
From 2012 he is in the Development and Feasibility Unit of the Research Department dealing with diagnostics, automation and ICT issues.
Luca Guidi is the ENEL representative in EXERA, the non-profit association of companies and organizations that invest heavily in instruments and in measurement, control and automation systems and he is author of several tens of publications.