October 14, 2014
Essence Project Final Conference
Brussels, Piemonte Region representation office
Leafleat (pdf)
October 22, 2013
Novara, Provincia di Novara – TIDES workshop
leaflet (pdf)
The TIDES (Threat Identification against critical infrastructures and DEcision Support) project has organized a workshop on the requirements for threat identification. TIDES is a project funded by the CIPS EU programme to evaluate potential threats to critical infrastructures and identify plans to reduce risk by preventing the occurrence of critical events or mitigating their effects. The project focuses on two case studies related to energy delivery and logistics. Based on their analysis, the project aims at identifying the requirements for a threat identification and decision support system. The workshop is aimed at discussing the TIDES concept and its main outcomes so far:
1. an outline of the case studies
2. their analysis and evaluation criteria
3. emerging requirements'
November 19-21, 2013
Rennes, France – C&ESAR 2013 conference
This year, C&ESAR will focus on cyber security of digital industrial control systems.
Programmable logic controllers, instrumentation and control systems, supervisory and data acquisition systems…(often referred collectively by the terms “SCADA systems”),they all play a critical role in numerous industrial facilities. The cyber security of these systems has long been treated as a marginal issue. However, they are undergoing profound changes, getting digital and interconnected at fast pace. If such evolutions bring potential for performance increase,t hey also bring new exposure to cyber attacks. The Stuxnet attack has shed a new light on this reality. Cyber security of industrial control systems has become a major issue and challenge, with technical, organisational and cultural dimensions. Indeed, the myth of their virtual protection by isolation and/or proprietary technologies is fading away: it is fortunately being replaced by a growing awareness of their real vulnerabilities, and the need for adapted security approaches and solutions.