L’Università del Piemonte Orientale A. Avogadro (UNIPMN), established in 1998, is spread over three towns (Alessandria, Novara, Vercelli). It has 6 Departments, 10.500 students approximately, 400 teachers/researchers and 350 members of technical and administrative staff.
The Department of Economics and Business studies (DiSEI) emphasizes interdisciplinary cooperation. The research focuses on firms, with references to the administration, economics, finance, management and juridical aspects of their activities and to the territorial impact of their operations. The area of research of the team involved in the project is focused on theoretical and applied tools which can support managerial decisions. The interest is devoted both to the strategic definition of firms’ objectives and to the operational problems of resource optimization. Some example are given by: models for the analysis of the competitive framework (both in terms of market supply and demand side), benchmarking tools, studies concerning governance and stakeholders relations, quantitative and qualitative methods in the area of strategic and operational marketing, models of capital budgeting and risk management, quantitative tools for the management of operations.
Graziano Abrate is Assistant Professor of Management at UNIPMN and Research Fellow at HERMES. His research interests are in the fields of management science, industrial organisation and public sector management, with a particular focus on network industries.
Fabrizio Erbetta is Assistant Professor of Managerial Economic and Corporate Finance at the Faculty of Economics, University of Piemonte Orientale.
The main research interest is on the application of econometric and operational research tools for the evaluation of institutional regulation on efficiency level of public service firms operating in industries such as water, waste collection, energy, transportation. Other research interests concern the role of size, capital structure, type of ownership and governance on productive performance of manufacturing firms.
Giovanni Fraquelli, full professor of Managerial Economics at UNIPMN, director of HERMES (centre for economic research). Its research activity focuses on public utilities with quantitative methodologies for benchmarking firms’ performances . Appointed as an expert in managerial economics at the “Autorità per l’energia elettrica e il gas” and in ministerial commissions regarding the electricity sector.
Clementina Bruno is research fellow at University of Piemonte Orientale and HERMES. Her main fields of interest involve production economics, efficiency analysis and benchmarking methods, with special focus on network services and regulation.